Syntax FACTORY_DEF * GeometryFilterFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*] [FILTER_TYPES []+] [INSTANCES (INSTANCE|CAST|INSTANTIATE)] [BREAK_AGG (Yes|No)] [OUTPUT (UNFILTERED|*) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory is used to filter input features based on the type of geometry they contain. Clauses FILTER_TYPES A comma delimited list of geometry types to filter. An output port will be created for each type listed. INSTANCES This parameter determines how Geometry Instances should be filtered. INSTANCE Filter geometry instances as their own type. They will be output the Geometry Instance port if Geometry Instance is included in FILTER_TYPES, otherwise UNFILTERED. CAST Filter geometry instances based on the type of their definition, without instantiating. INSTANTIATE Instantiate geometry instances before filtering. BREAK_AGG If enabled, aggregates will be recursively split into homogeneous multis/aggregates before filtering. Any resulting aggregates will be output through the port corresponding to the type of their children. Output Tags UNFILTERED Features that containing geometry types not specified in the FILTER_TYPES clause will be output the unfiltered port. Any geometry type specified in the FILTER_TYPES clause will have a corresponding output tag that will output features containing geometry of that type.