Syntax @GeneratePoint([3D][UGLY][,[,][,CENTER|CENTER_OF_GRAVITY]]) Arguments 3D Specifies that the generated point should be a 3D point. UGLY Specifies that an ugly point should be generated. , , The name of the attribute that will be set to the the x/y/z coordinate value of the generated point. Range: Attribute Name CENTER Specifies that the generated point should be the center of the bounding box. CENTER_OF_GRAVITY Specifies that the generated point should be the center of gravity. HANDLE_ELLIPSES Deprecated. Specifies that ellipses should be handled. Description This function generates a point inside a polygon, donut polygon, or 3D Face feature. The generated point is added to the feature's in-memory representation. If no attribute names are provided and the function is called with no parameters, the feature then becomes a point-in-polygon (PIP) feature. When generating a point for a 3D feature, the z coordinate is set to the average Z value of the input feature. If attribute names are provided, the feature's geometry does not change and instead the x, y, and z coordinates of the generated point are added as attributes to the feature. This function can be used when translating data from a model where polygons are directly attached, to a model where polygonal areas are implied by boundary lines, and the attribution for each area is attached to a point within that area. If the input feature is not a polygon, donut polygon, or 3D face, it is returned by the function unchanged.