Syntax FACTORY_DEF ExecuteFunctionFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [FUNCTION_DEFINITION ] [RESULT_ATTRIBUTE ] [OUTPUT(COMPLETE|REJECTED) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory takes a feature and executes the function defined by the FUNCTION_DEFINITION clause. The output of the function is stored in the attribute given, if specified. Example clauses include: FUNCTION_DEFINITION @Area() RESULT_ATTRIBUTE _myArea FUNCTION_DEFINITION @Buffer2("@EvaluateExpression(FDIV,FLOAT,Value_creation_instance,Bufferer_2)","22.5",CAP_ROUND) FUNCTION_DEFINITION @Count(REJECTABLE,fme_encoded,$($(XFORMER_NAME)_FULL_DOMAIN),"$(START)") RESULT_ATTRIBUTE "$(CNT_ATTR)" Output Tags The TestFactory supports the following output tags. COMPLETE REJECTED If the feature has an attribute __reject_me__ after the function call, it will go out the REJECTED port. Otherwise it will go out the COMPLETE port.