Syntax FACTORY_DEF * DateTimeConverterFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* DATETIME_ATTR [ ]* IN_FORMAT OUT_FORMAT REPAIR_INPUT PASSTHROUGH [OUTPUT OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview This factory is used to convert datetime strings between different datetime formats. Multiple datetimes can be entered into DATETIME_ATTR but must all match the input format, IN_FORMAT. The output will have the inputed attributes changed in place to match the output format, OUT_FORMAT. If a feature is rejected, all valid dates will still be converted on that feature. Clauses DATETIME_ATTR A FMEParsableText-encoded list of attribute names, space separated. IN_FORMAT Specifies a format string inline, or specify an attribute that contains a format string. There are several presets to choose from. OUT_FORMAT Specifies a format string inline, or specify an attribute that contains a format string. There are several presets to choose from. REPAIR_INPUT If set to Yes, overflow date/time parts such as leap seconds will be rolled forward. For example, 2017-02-29 would be repaired into 2017-03-01. If set to No, input containing overflow date/time parts will be rejected. PASSTHROUGH If this parameter is No, any attributes specified in Datetime Attributes that are null, missing or have an empty value will result in the feature being rejected. If this parameter is Yes, then any null, missing, or empty attributes will be left unchanged and will not cause the feature to be rejected. Output Tags The DateTimeConverterFactory supports the following output tags: OUTPUT The output features. REJECTED The rejected features.