Syntax @CoordSys([coordsys-name]) @CoordSys(__CONVERT_COORDSYS_NAME__, , , , ) Arguments The name of the coordinate system for the feature to set. Range: coordinate system name __CONVERT_COORDSYS_NAME__ This flag if present as the first argument indicates that the function will be used for converting FME coordinate system name into its equivalent representation in the external system and back. Range: N/A Name of the attribute that holds the source coordinate system string. Range: Existing attribute name CONVERSION_DIRECTION Indicates which way the conversion is to be done. Range: (FROM_FME_TO | TO_FME_FROM) EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_REPRESENTATION Indicates the external system representation. Range: (AUTODESK | EPSG | ESRI | MAPINFO | OGC) Name of the attribute which will hold the output coordinate system string. Range: Existing attribute name Description This function returns the name of the coordinate system where this feature's coordinates are measured. If it returns a blank, it means that no coordinate system has been set for the feature data. If a coordinate system definition is created automatically by FME from parameters read from an input data source, its name will begin with an underscore character (_). In conversion mode an empty string will be returned if the source coordinate system does not have a target representation. This could occur, for example, when no mapping exists between an Oracle SRID and an FME coordinate system. FME may automatically define coordinate systems. It is possible that there may be two different names for the same coordinate system definition. The result returned by @CoordSys should not be used in a comparison with a hardcoded coordinate system name as coordinate system names may be different but may be structurally equivalent.