Syntax FACTORY_DEF CloseFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT (SHARED_BOUNDARY|INSIDE_POINT|BOUNDARY) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]+ [GROUP_BY []+]* (END_NODED|VERTEX_NODED) [OUTPUT (INSIDE_POINT|SHARED_BOUNDARY| PIP|LINE|POLYGON) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview The CloseFactory is very similar in operation to the PolygonFactory. However, it allows a single set of edges to be used with multiple groups of arcs to close polygons. The PolygonFactory does not allow such reusing of arc sets. This factory is used when a noded mapsheet boundary is present only once in a file, but its edges must be used multiple times to close polygonal features. In such a case, two polygons are formed when the mapsheet boundary is used to close an otherwise unclosed polygon. In order to determine which of the two polygons is the desired one, an internal point is paired with the polygon. This feature is then output according to the OUTPUT PIP clause. The polygons not containing any point are output by the OUTPUT POLYGON clause. This factory does not handle measures, and will convert complex geometries such as paths or text into lines when processing. Assumptions Within a group, there are no overlapping polygons. There must be one point for each polygon that is to be output. The shared boundaries must be noded correctly so that each group may use them to close polygons. Input Tags The CloseFactory uses the following input tags. SHARED_BOUNDARY These are the boundary lines used to close polygons formed in any of the groups of BOUNDARY features. INSIDE_POINT These are the points that must be inside the closed polygons. They will be output with the polygons as point-in-polygon (PIP) geometry. BOUNDARY These are the boundary lines that will be grouped according to the GROUP_BY clause and formed into polygons, making use of the SHARED_BOUNDARY features. Resulting polygons that contain an INSIDE_POINT from the same group are returned as PIPs. Output Tags The CloseFactory supports the following output tags. SHARED_BOUNDARY The original shared boundaries come out unchanged. If this is not specified, then such features are discarded. LINE After attempting to form polygons with the set of boundary and shared boundary elements, anything that did not close and was left as a line is output via this clause. It will have the GROUP_BY attributes added to it. If this is not specified, then such features will be discarded. PIP The formed polygons that contain a point come out here. They have point- in-polygon geometry, and all attributes of the point are merged with them. If this is not specified, then such features will be discarded. INSIDE_POINT Any points that came in but were never placed inside a polygon are output with this clause. If a point is placed in a polygon, it is not output with this clause. If this is not specified, such unused points are discarded. POLYGON Normally this is not specified. However, if it is then any polygons formed that did not have a point inside of them are output with this clause. It will have the GROUP_BY attributes added to it.