Syntax @Bounds([fme_encoded,]BOUNDING_BOX_AXIS_ALIGNED[,,]) @Bounds([fme_encoded,]MIN_BOUNDING[,,][,]) @Bounds([fme_encoded,]BOUNDING_CUBE[,,]) @Bounds([fme_encoded,],,,[,,][,GEOMETRIC]) Arguments The name of the attribute assigned the minimum value of the feature along the X axis. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the maximum value of the feature along the X axis. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the minimum value of the feature along the Y axis. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the maximum value of the feature along the Y axis. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the minimum value of the feature along the Z axis. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the maximum value of the feature along the Z axis. Range: String GEOMETRIC If specified, the geometric bounding box will be returned. Range: N/A The name of the attribute assigned the length of the shortest side of the bounding box. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the length of the longest side of the bounding box. Range: String The name of the attribute assigned the angle of the longest side of the minimum oriented bounding box. Its value will always be in the range [0,180). Range: String Description This function extracts the bounds of a feature. It determines the extreme values of the feature in each of the x and y (and optionally z) axes, and assigns these values to the attribute names passed in as arguments. The zMinAttr and zMaxAttr are optional, and are set to the minimum values on the Z axis of the feature. If the feature has only two dimensions, both zMinAttr and zMaxAttr will be set to 0. Normally the @Bounds function considers the bounding box of the feature to be the bounding box of all the coordinates in the feature. If the last argument to the function is the string GEOMETRIC, the function will return the geometric bounding box of the feature, which in the case of some point features may be different. For example, text features only have a single coordinate (to specify their location), so normally their bounding box only contains that single point. However, if the GEOMETRIC flag is specified, the returned bounding box will contain the entire feature, as if it were rendered with a fixed-width font at its given height. When using the GEOMETRIC flag, please note that the generic form of any geometry attributes are required to exist on the feature in order to properly determine the bounds. For example, a text feature should have an fme_type attribute with a value of fme_text, and other geometry attributes that describe a text geometry such as fme_text_string, should also be present. If MIN_BOUNDING is specified as the first parameter, the function will compute the minimum oriented bounding box instead of the axis-aligned or rectilinear bounding box. TO BE RESOLVED MIN_BOUNDING is not documented in the Arguments section.