Syntax FACTORY_DEF AttrSetFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [MULTI_FEATURE_MODE ] [NUM_PRIOR_FEATURES <0 - MAX(9)>] [NUM_SUBSEQUENT_FEATURES <0 - MAX(9)>] [NULL_ATTR_MODE ] [NULL_ATTR_VALUE ] [ATTRSET_PROPAGATE_MISSING ] [ATTRSET_CREATE_DIRECTIVES] ] [MISSING_INPUT_ATTR_HANDLING ] [ATTR ] [ATTR ] [ATTR ] [ACTION_COLUMN ] [DEF_VAL_COLUMN ] [NUM_OF_COLUMNS ] [ATTR_ACTION ] or [ATTR_ACTION ] [... for each attribute to set....] [OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE Overview This factory sets the specified attributes to a specified value MULTI_FEATURE_MODE: indicates if attrValue expressions will contain multi-feature references. If so, then NUM_PRIOR_FEATURES and NUM_SUBSEQUENT_FEATURES indicate how many features this factory should 'hold in buffer' to allow expressions to be evaluated successfully. A smaller buffer will be faster and use less memory. If multi feature mode is off, then the buffer is not used and each feature will be output from the factory as it is processed. NULL_ATTR_MODE: when in multifeature mode indicates how to evaluate an attribute reference (eg. @Value(feat[-1].a) ) in an expression when the attribute does not have a value (empty, null or missing). If OTHER_NULL_VALUE is chosen, the NULL_ATTR_VALUE specifies the value to use. NO_OP indicates to use the value 'as is' ATTRSET_PROPOGATE_MISSING indicates whether or not to propogate missing attributes. If set to 'yes', then if an expression evaluates to missing, the attribute being set will not be created. if set to 'no', then the attribute is created with a value of NULL. ATTRSET_CREATE_DIRECTIVES: under the hood, this factory calls EvaluateExpression(ATTR_CREATE_EXPR_, ...) for each . This parameter specifies the directive to add. for example _DIV would cause EvaluateExpression(ATTR_CREATE_EXPR_DIV, ...) to be called. Thus, using this directive controls the behavior of the underlying EvaluateExpression() calls. ATTR: gives an attribute name to set/create and an expression indicating the value for that attribute. ATTR_ACTION: gives an action to preform on an attribute. Valid actions are: SET_TO, REMOVE, RENAME_SET_DEFAULT,RENAME_SET_VALUE, COPY For SET_TO, the value of the new attribute is set to the For REMOVE, the is removed. For COPY, is copied to . For RENAME_SET_DEFAULT, is renamed to . For RENAME_SET_VALUE, is renamed to , then set to if is not empty. MISSING_INPUT_ATTR_HANDLING: specifies what should happen when is missing and is empty for actions of type . The possible options are: - PRESERVE: Preserves the existing - REMOVE: Removes the existing - SET: Sets to (even if it is empty)