Syntax FACTORY_DEF AttributeKeeperFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]+ [KEEP_ATTRS [[,]*] [KEEP_LISTS [[ ]*] [KEEP_FME_ATTRIBUTES (YES|NO)] [BUILD_FEATURE_TABLES (YES|NO)] [OUTPUT_ON_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE [[,]*] [OUTPUT OUTPUT FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview Removes all attributes and list attributes, except the specific ones you specify to be retained. Parameters KEEP_ATTRS Specifies attributes to be kept. KEEP_LISTS Specifies list attributes to be kept (e.g. my_list{}). KEEP_FME_ATTRIBUTES Specifies whether to keep FME attributes (e.g. fme_type). BUILD_FEATURE_TABLES Specifies whether to build feature tables out of features. When this is enabled, features will be combined into feature tables and output in batches. Order of features is preserved, so when a feature table is input, any preceding features are output first. OUTPUT_ON_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE When building feature tables, specifies that features should be output when any of the specified attributes changes values. This can be used to reduce blocking in streaming scenarios.