Syntax @Area([REJECTABLE[,ALLOW_NULLS],][[(SLOPED_AREAS|VOLUME),]]) Arguments REJECTABLE Rejects features if this keyword is specified. ALLOW_NULLS This modifies the "REJECTABLE" mode. It prevents it from rejecting nulls. By default, the area returned is in coordinate units squared. The multiplier, if specified, can be used to convert to other units. The default is 1. Range: Real Number SLOPED_AREAS This calculates the area of the planar polygon or face with respect to the plane. VOLUME This calculates the volume of the solid (not the area) Description The @Area function calculates the area of a polygonal feature. The function correctly handles both polygonal features and polygonal features with holes. For point and linear features, 0 is returned. The optional multiplier can be used to convert the return value from ground units squared to units more useful to the caller.