Syntax FACTORY_DEF * AmalgamatorFactory [FACTORY_NAME ] [INPUT AREAS FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* [GROUP_BY []+]* [FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE (Yes|No)] [AMALG_MODE (SELF|BINARY|SELF_AND_BINARY)] [DISSOLVE_INPUT ] MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH MAX_SEPARATION_DISTANCE MIN_HOLE_AREA [LIST_NAME ] [LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE []* ] [LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE_MODE (ALL|SELECTED)] [ID_ATTR ] [OUTPUT (AMALGAMATED|UNTOUCHED|INVALID|HOLES|TRIANGLES) FEATURE_TYPE [ ]* []*]* Overview The AmalgamatoryFactory joins nearby features into a single, amalgamated feature. Features are connected in the amalgam via triangle polygons, two features will be considered to be part of the same amalgam if they are connected by multiple triangles, and each side of the connecting triangles has a length less than the Maximum Separation Distance parameter. The geometry of the connected features, and the connecting triangles will be dissolved together to form a single polygon or donut geometry. If a donut is formed, a donut hole with a size less than the specified minimum hole area will be removed from the donut. If the input geometry is a donut, the original holes from that donut will be added to any resulting amalgam that the input feature becomes a part of. Input Tags The AmalgamatorFactory supports the following input tag. AREAS All input features. Clauses The AmalgamatorFactory supports the following clauses. GROUP_BY Which attributes to group referenceres/definitions by. FLUSH_WHEN_GROUPS_CHANGE If the GROUP_BY clause is specified, this clause (when set to Yes) will cause the factory to process and output the current group immediately when an attribute that does not belong to the current group is encountered. AMALG_MODE Allows two graphical details on the same geometry to connect together. There are a number of options provided to accommodate the two conceptual models, Self Amalgamation, which amalgamates a polygonal geometry against itself, Binary Amalgamation(default), amalgamates different polygonal geometries, and Self, Binary Amalgamation, this mode combines the Self Amalgamation and the Binary Amalgamation. MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH A geometry will be densified so that it does not contain line segments exceeding this length. This length is equivalent to the maximum triangle width in the triangles that form amalgam connectors between input polygons. MAX_SEPARATION_DISTANCE The maximum distance between two features that can be considered for amalgamation. This distance is equivalent to the maximum triangle length (length of triangle is currently == length of longest side of triangle) in the triangles that form amalgam connectors between input polygons. MIN_HOLE_AREA The minimum size each generated hole must be for it to be retained. LIST_NAME The name of a list attribute that will contain all the original attributes of the features that are amalgamated. The optional LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE_MODE will specify if ALL attributes should be added to a list, or if only the SELECTED attributes (specified with the LIST_ATTRS_TO_INCLUDE clause) should be added to the list. If this value is not specified, it defaults to ALL. ID_ATTR The name of an id attribute that will be added to all output AMALGAMATED, TRIANGLE, and HOLE features. The id value added to the HOLE and TRIANGLE features will match the id of the AMALGAMATED feature that they are associated with. Output Tags The AmalgamatorFactory supports the following output tags. AMALGAMATED Amalgams that were created from the input features. UNTOUCHED Input features that we not used to create amalgams. INVALID Input features that we not used to create amalgams because their geometry was considered invalid. HOLES Holes that were created as part of the amalgamation process that meet the minumum hole size threshold. TRIANGLES Triangle-shaped polygons that were used to connect input features to form an amalgam.