
Select Jobs > Queued.

The following columns are available to display in the Queued table:

Note: Some fields do not display by default. To control which columns display, click the Customize Columns icon.

Tip: You can filter the list of jobs based on the values of some columns. To set filters, expand the Filters drop-down.

  • Id: The unique ID of the queued job.
  • Workspace: The workspace request to be run.
  • Repository: The repository containing the workspace that was run.
  • Username: The FME Server user account name that ran the job. To filter the jobs that appear in this table by user, use the Show Jobs For drop-down.
  • Status: The current status of the job.
  • Submitted: The date and time when the job was queued for processing.
  • Source Name: Identifier of the FME  Server mechanism from which the job originated, such as an Automations ID or Schedule Category name.
  • Source Type: FME Server mechanism from which the job originated, such as Automations or Schedules.
  • Queue: The queue in which the job was run.