Defining FME Engines and Queue Control Properties to a Kubernetes Deployment

You can define multiple FME Engines for a Kubernetes deployment. Each engine deployment defines the name of the deployment, the license type (standard or dynamic), and the number of replicas for that deployment. As well, the deployment name serves as an engine property. When configuring Queue Control, you can use this property in engine assignment rules when assigning engines to queues.

Note: Managing FME Engines in the FME Server Web User Interface is not supported in Kubernetes deployments.

To change the definition of your engine deployments after FME Server is deployed, use the Helm upgrade command to change the value of your engines array.

FME Engines are identified by their license type, either STANDARD or DYNAMIC.

Each engine deployment can also specify Kubernetes scheduling parameters nodeSelector, tolerations and affinity.

Example FME Engine Deployments

The following examples specify FME Engine deployments in a values.yaml file when deploying the FME Server Helm chart.

The following example shows a default Helm deployment of one FME Engine deployment with two replicas. In the example, property standard-group may be specified in an engine assignment rule of Type: Property to assign engines to one or more queues.



- name: "standard-group"

  type: "STANDARD"

  engines: 2

  affinity: {}

  nodeSelector: {}

  tolerations: []

The following example defines three engine deployments—one standard engine with two replicas, one standard engine with three replicas, and one dynamic engine with three replicas. When configuring engine assignment rules, use the name properties standard-group, standard-group-2, and dynamic-group to assign engines to queues.



- name: "standard-group"

  type: "STANDARD"

  engines: 2

- name: "standard-group-2"

  type: "STANDARD"

  engines: 3

- name: "dynamic-group"

  type: "DYNAMIC

  engines: 3