Changing the Database Provider for the FME Server Database

To change the database provider for the FME Server Database, perform an “in-place” backup and restore procedure:

  1. Backup Your FME Server Configuration
  2. Configure the New Database Server
  3. Configure the Database Connection
  4. Restart FME Server
  5. Restore Your FME Server Configuration
  6. Remove Dependency, Disable, and Stop the Previous Database Service

FME Server supports PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or Oracle databases.

Backup Your FME Server Configuration

Perform a backup of your FME Server configuration.

Configure the New Database Server

Run the necessary database configuration scripts and post-configuration scripts. Follow the steps in Configure the FME Server Database on a Separate Database Server.

Configure the Database Connection

Note: If using an Oracle database server, you must obtain the Oracle Database JDBC driver. Driver versions recommended: 12.1 (ojdbc7.jar), 12.2 (ojdbc8.jar), 18.3 (ojdbc8.jar), 19.3 (ojdbc8.jar). Driver versions not recommended: 19.6, 19.7, all ojdbc10.jar versions. For more information, see

Locate the following files:

Edit both files, as follows:

Under the heading ‘FME SERVER SETTINGS START’, locate the section titled 'Database Connection' and update the parameters for the database you want to use for your repository.


DB_TYPE - Identifies the database server: postgresql, sqlserver, oracle.

DB_DRIVER - The JDBC driver name used for connecting to the database.

DB_JDBC_URL - The JDBC URL used for connecting to the database.

DB_USERNAME - The database user name.

DB_PASSWORD - The database user password.

DB_CONNECT_EXPIRY - The database connection expiry time, in seconds.

DB_SQLSTMTS_PATH - The path to the SQL statement resource bundle.


Restart FME Server

Restart all of the FME Server System Services.

Restore Your FME Server Configuration

Perform a restore of your FME Server configuration:

Remove Dependency, Disable, and Stop the Previous Database Service

If the database service from which you migrated is the PostgreSQL database that was included in a default installation of FME Server (such as an express install), you must remove the dependency of the FME Server Core on that database, and then disable and stop it. For more information, see Removing the FME Server Core Dependency on the FME Server Database.