RADARSAT-2 XML Raster Reader

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Desktop Professional Edition.

The RADARSAT-2 XML Raster reader provides FME with access to data in the RADARSAT-2 XML format.


RADARSAT2 XML files contain header information which references underlying GeoTIFF files containing radar data. Each GeoTIFF file contains the raster data for a given polarization.

The reader supports band types of UInt16 and Int16. Bands containing complex data will be split into two bands of Int16 interpretation: the first represents the real portion, and the second represents the imaginary portion.

The reader supports collection of Ground Control Points (GCPs) from the XML document. At the present time, there is no support for a coordinate system on the dataset or GCPs.

Reader Overview

FME considers a single RADARSAT2 XML file to be a dataset.

FME Raster Features

FME raster features represent raster data and use several concepts that are unlike those used in the handling of vector data. The topics below describe how FME processes raster data.

About FME Rasters Tiling and Mosaicking
Raster Properties Band Combining and Separating
Band Properties Band and Palette Selection
Palette Properties Raster Processing
Compression Raster versus Vector Features
Pyramiding Raster File Naming
Interleaving World Files
Interpretation and Data Type TAB Files
Palette Resolution  

For each RADARSAT2 XML raster, there is only a single feature returned – this feature will contain the entire raster.