Changing the Web Application Server Host Name and Port

Often you install FME Server and then need to update the web application server host name or port.

The following instructions assume the Apache Tomcat server that is bundled by default with an FME Server installation is the one currently in use.

Update Service URLs (For Updating Host Name Only)

  1. Log in to the FME Server Web User Interface.
  2. Navigate to Services.
  3. Click on each service to open the Editing Service page.
  4. In the URL Pattern field, make the appropriate changes and click OK when done.

Update FME Server Web URL (For Updating Host Name and/or Port)

On the machine hosting the FME Server core:

  1. Open the fmeServerConfig.txt configuration file.
  2. Locate the FME_SERVER_WEB_URL directive and update the URL value to the new web applications server host and/or port. For example:

Update the Web Application Server XML File (For Updating Port)

  1. Open the server.xml file, located in <FMEServerDir>\Utilities\tomcat\conf\.
  2. Locate the first instance of a line that begins: <Connector port=
  3. Change the specified port as desired. For example, change Connector port="80" to Connector port="8080".
  4. Save the server.xml file.
  5. Restart the Tomcat application server.

See Also