Creates a feature whose attributes contain the definition of an IFC property set. The features output from this transformer are similar to the PropertySetDefinition features produced by the IFC reader. These features define the names and types of properties in a property set. The features output from this transformer are intended to be routed to the PropertySetDefinition feature type of an IFC writer.
When writing an IfcPropertySet object, the IFC writer will look for a property set definition whose name matches the name of the property set object. If a match is found, the writer will write out the properties listed in the definition, taking the values from the property set object itself. In this way, properties set definitions provide the schema for property set objects.
This is done because FME feature attributes are not able to define their data types in the detail that IFC property sets require. It also allows many property set objects to share the same definition, rather than having the definition information duplicated on each property set object.
Property Set Name

This parameter specifies the name of the property set which is being defined.

The Name column lists the names of the properties in the property set.

This column specifies the number of values each property in the property set definition can have. Properties may have a single value, a list of value, an enumerated value, or a range of values.

This column specifies the data types for the properties in the property set definition. The IFC data model allows a large list of data types for property values.
Editing Transformer Parameters
Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.
Transformer Categories
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