Creating an Active Directory Server Connection

On the Active Directory page, click New. The Create New Server Connection page opens. Complete the fields below, then click OK.

When finished, proceed to Adding Users and Roles from an Active Directory Connection.

Create New Server Connection


Provide a name for the connection.


The host name of the Active Directory server.

Note: If Authentication Type (below) is SASL, and Host is an IP address, you must also specify a Realm.


The port that is used to communicate with the Active Directory server. Most common Windows domain configurations use port 389 or 636.

Connection Encryption

The encryption method to use when authenticating with Active Directory.

Search Account Name

A Windows Service Account to use for importing Active Directory users and groups into FME Server. This account requires read access to the domain controller.

Specify the account in any of the following formats:




NT Login DOMAIN\username MYCOMPANY\User1
User Principal Name User1@MYCOMPANY.INTERNAL
Distinguished Name CN=...,OU=...,DC=... CN=User One,OU=Service Accounts,OU=My Company,DC=company,DC=internal

Search Account Password

The password of the Active Directory account.


Authentication Type:

Specify the method of authenticating with Active Directory:

  • Basic: SASL authentication is not enabled.
  • SASL: Enables simple authentication and security level (SASL).
    • SASL Mechanism:
      • GSSAPI: Kerberos V5 authentication
      • GSS-SPNEGO: Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism
      • EXTERNAL: Context-implicit authentication
      • DIGEST-MD5: MD5 message digest

Enable Single Sign-On

If checked, allows users imported from this connection to auto-connect to FME Server with their Windows credentials.

Note: To use Single Sign-On, you must also update your Windows domain and web browser configurations. For more information, see Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication.

  • Service Account Name: The name of the Windows Service Account to configure for single sign on, in the format USERNAME (do not specify DOMAIN).
  • Service Account Password: The Windows service account password.

Optional fields

Enable Syncronization

When checked, relationships between users and groups in FME Server are synchronized with the Active Directory at specified intervals. For example, consider User_1 who belongs to Group_1 in FME Server because of a corresponding relationship in Active Directory. If that relationship is subsequently broken in Active Directory, the relationship between User_1 and Group_1 will break in FME Server after the next synchronization interval.

  • Synchronization Interval: Specify the desired frequency of synchronization.

KDC Host

If SASL Mechanism is GSSAPI, specify the host name or IP address of the Kerberos key distribution centre (KDC). If not specified, the KDC is assumed to be located on the same server as the Active Directory domain controller.


If SASL Mechanism is GSSAPI or DIGEST-MD5, specify the authentication realm for Kerberos V5 or MD5 message digest authentication. In terms of Active Directory, the authentication realm is the domain name. Specify the capitalized version of the domain name, in its fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) form. For example, if the FQDN is, use DOMAIN.NET. If not specified, the authentication realm is assumed to be the domain name of the Active Directory Domain Controller.

Note: If Host is an IP address, you must specify a Realm.

Search Bases

Specify the distinguished name of a section (sub-tree) of the Active Directory that is accessible to the connection. Any sections not specified are not accessible. If not specified, the entire directory is accessible.

Alternate Servers

Enables FME Server to access Active Directory using alternate Host and Port combinations. This setting may be useful in either of these situations:

  • Active Directory can be accessed from multiple, redundant servers. FME Server uses these servers to access Active Directory in a rotating manner, which distributes the load across them.
  • If one Active Directory server is inaccessible, FME Server connects to one or more alternate servers.

To add a Host and Port combination, click +. To remove a Host and Port combination, click -.

Account Name Attribute

The Active Directory attribute to use for the names of the FME Server users who are imported from this connection. If not specified, the sAMAccountName attribute is used.

Full Name Attribute

The Active Directory attribute to use for the full names of the FME Server users who are imported from this connection. If not specified, the displayName attribute is used.

Group Name Attribute

The Active Directory group attribute to use for the names of the FME Server roles that are imported from this connection. If not specified, the sAMAccountName attribute is used.

Email Attribute

The Active Directory attribute to use for the e-mail addresses of the FME Server users who are imported from this connection. If not specified, the mail attribute is used.

What's Next?

Proceed to Adding Users and Roles from an Active Directory Connection.