You are here: User Interface > Formats Gallery

Reader and Writer Gallery

To display the Formats Gallery, from the Tools menu select Browse Readers and Writers.

The Formats Gallery displays all formats supported by FME. It includes the following information:

  • Description: Format name.
  • Short Name: This is the common abbreviation for the format name.
  • Extensions: File name extensions associated with the formats.
  • Type: Folder-based or file-based format.
  • Read: Indicates whether FME reads the format.
  • Write: Indicates whether FME writes the format.
  • Coordinate System: Indicates whether a custom coordinate system is associated with the format.
  • Licensed: Some formats require that you obtain special licensing, or specific versions of FME. This column indicates whether your FME is licensed to read/write the format.

Note: You can't edit the settings for any of the columns listed above – double clicking on a checkmark will simply select the format and close the window.

  • Search and Custom Formats