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Sentinel-2 on AWS Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

SENTINEL2 features specify a matrix of x and y coordinates as UTM x and y coordinates. For each SENTINEL2 dataset, if feature types are derived from resolutions, there will be one feature per resolution per UTM zone. If feature types are derived from bands, there will be one feature per band.

Bands can use 8-bit or 16-bit color types or UInt types.

User attributes are not supported.

Attribute Name


sentinel2_type This will always be sentinel2_raster.
sentinel2_cloud_coverage_assessment The percentage of cloud cover between 0 and 100.
sentinel2_datatake_1_datatake_sensing_start The start time of acquisition.

The instrument mode.

Values: INS-NOBS (nominal observation), INS-EOBS (extended observation), INS-DASC (dark signal calibration), INS-ABSR (absolute radiometry calibration), INS-VIC (vicarious calibration), INS-RAW (raw measurement), INS-TST (test mode)

sentinel2_datatake_1_id The datatake identifier.
sentinel2_datatake_1_sensing_orbit_direction Values: ASCENDING, DESCENDING

Relative orbit number.

Values: 1-143

sentinel2_datatake_1_spacecraft_name This will always be Sentinel-2A.
sentinel2_degraded_anc_data_percentage Percentage of degraded ancillary data.
sentinel2_degraded_msi_data_percentage Percentage of degraded MSI data.
sentinel2_format_correctness_flag Values: PASSED, FAILED
sentinel2_general_quality_flag Values: PASSED, FAILED
sentinel2_generation_time Product generation time
sentinel2_geometric_quality_flag Values: PASSED, FAILED
sentinel2_preview_geo_info Preview georeferencing information
sentinel2_preview_image_url A link to the preview image

Identifies processing environment versions used to generate the product.

This is a number string in the form ##.##

sentinel2_processing_level Values: Level-0, Level-1A, Level-1B, Level-1C, Level-2A
sentinel2_product_start_time Actual product start time
sentinel2_product_stop_time Actual product stop time
sentinel2_product_type Values: S2MSI0, S2MSI1A, S2MSI1B, S2MSI1C, S2MSI2Ap
sentinel2_product_uri The User Product URI for the Next Generation Earth Observation (ngEO) catalog.
sentinel2_quantification_value Reflectance quantification value
sentinel2_radiometric_quality_flag Values: PASSED, FAILED
sentinel2_reference_band Reference band
sentinel2_reflectance_conversion_u Correction based on Sun-Earth distance variation
sentinel2_sensor_quality_flag Values: PASSED, FAILED
sentinel2_special_value_nodata The value of nodata pixels.
sentinel2_special_value_saturated The value of saturated pixels.

One of the 13 bands in the original product.

Values: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B8A, B9, 10, B11, B12

sentinel2_band{}.bandwidth Width of the spectral band.
sentinel2_band{}.bandwidth_unit nm
sentinel2_band{}.solar_irradiance Reflectance parameters
sentinel2_band{}.solar_irradiance_unit W/m2/um
sentinel2_band{}.wavelength Central wavelength of the spectral band.
sentinel2_band{}.wavelength_unit nm