Sentinel-1 Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

SENTINEL1 features specify a matrix of x and y coordinates as longitude and latitude. For each SENTINEL1 dataset, there will only be a single feature returned.

Each band uses the UInt16 type, but in some datasets only the bottom 8 bits (representing the values 0-255) are used.

Tip: In FME, a RasterBandInterpretationCoercer can be used to cast the values to an 8-bit type such as Gray8. This is useful for achieving contrast in the images, since otherwise they may appear entirely black.

User attributes are not supported.

Attribute Name


sentinel1_type This will always be sentinel1_raster.
sentinel1_acquisition_start_time The time at beginning of sensing.
sentinel1_acquisition_stop_time The time at end of sensing.
sentinel1_band{}.polarisation The polarization of this image band, where index in the list represents the index of the band as read from the dataset. Possible values are HH, HV, VH, and VV.
sentinel1_beam_mode The acquisition mode. Possible values are SM, IW, EW, and WV.

Identifies the beam when in SM mode. Otherwise this is the same as sentinel1_beam_mode.

Possible values are S1-S6, IW, EW, and WV.

sentinel1_facility_identifier The name of the ground facility communicating with the satellite.
sentinel1_line_spacing Azimuth sample spacing between pixels, in metres.
sentinel1_mission_id The mission identifier denoting the satellite.

Identifies the beam when in SM mode. Otherwise this is the same as sentinel1_beam_mode.

Possible values are S1-S6, IW, EW, and WV.

sentinel1_orbit_direction The direction of the orbit. Possible values are ASCENDING and DESCENDING.
sentinel1_orbit_number The absolute orbit number.
sentinel1_pixel_spacing Range sample spacing between pixels, in meters.
sentinel1_product_type The product type. This should be GRD.
sentinel1_satellite_identifier The satellite identifier.
sentinel1_sensor_identifier The sensor identifier.

The swath identifier.

  • Mode SM: values are S1-S6
  • Mode IW: values are IW1-IW3
  • Mode EW: values are EW1-EW5.
  • Mode WV: values are WV1 and WV2