FME Server Configuration Feature Representation

FME Server Configuration features have no geometry.

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Attribute Name Contents
fmeconfig_version.api The version of the API used to communicate with the FME Server.
fmeconfig_version.format The version of the FME Server Configuration Reader and Writer. The version of the FME Server Configuration the feature was extracted from.
fmeconfig_category The category. It has the same value as the feature type.
fmeconfig_type The type. It can take multiple values and tells what the feature represents.
fmeconfig_name The name of the item. (UTF-16 encoded)
fmeconfig_uri The uniform resource identifier (URI). It uniquely identifies every feature in the dataset. It is composed of the URI of the parents of this feature, if any, and of the type and name attributes of the feature, separated by forward slash. The URI respects RFC 3986, meaning illegal characters are percent encoded.
fmeconfig_content The complete content of the configuration feature. This is the actual data being read and written from and to FME Server. (UTF-8 encoded)
fmeconfig_dependency{}.uri The dependencies URI. The values of this attribute are the (URI) of the features on which this feature depends.
fmeconfig_dependency{}.type The dependencies types. This attribute can take two values, strong and weak.
fmeconfig_file{}.name The file's name.
fmeconfig_file{}.type The file's type.
fmeconfig_file{}.uri The files URI. It is constituted from the fmeconfig_uri and of the file’s type and name attributes.
fmeconfig_file{}.mode The files mode. This is for future usage.
fmeconfig_file{}.content The files content. (fme-binary encoded)


FME Server Configuration Attribute Type

FME Attribute Type
varchar(width) fme_varchar(width)
buffer fme_buffer