Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Type Attributes), this format also adds format-specific attributes (Format Attributes).

Facet features may consist of geometry and attributes. When reading Facet files, several special attributes hold the data from the file. When writing Facet files, the values in these attributes are written out to the file. If the feature does not have these special attributes, appropriate default values will be used.

Special supported Facet format types include: text, line, polygon, multipoint, point, or database.

Note: Multipoint data may contain a single point. Also note that database features contain attributes but no geometry.

All Facet features produced by the FME reader contain the facet_fme_type attribute, which identifies the geometric type. Depending on the geometric type, the feature contains additional attributes specific to the geometric type. These are described below.

Attribute Name



The Facet geometric type of this entity.








facet_fme_type: facet_multipoint

A Facet multipoint feature specifies single or multiple 2D or 3D coordinates. There are no special attributes with this type of feature.


facet_fme_type: facet_line

Facet line features contains 2D or 3D linear geometry. There are no special attributes with this type of feature.


facet_fme_type: facet_polygon

Facet polygon features contains 2D or 3D geometry. Polygons may be either simple or may contain holes, thereby being donuts. There are no special attributes with this type of feature.


facet_fme_type: facet_text

Facet text features contain 2D or 3D coordinates and a text string, along with the text alignment, rotation, and size.

Attribute Name



The text string.

Range: any length character string

Default: empty string


A numeric code indicating the feature’s alignment.

Several settings are listed below. These settings may be ANDED together to form a single numeric code:

TextAlignLeft 1

TextAlignRight 2

TextAlignCenter 4

TextAlignBase 16

TextAlignHalf 32

TextAlignCap 64

TextAlignTop 128

TextAlignBottom 256

Range: 0 - 511

Default: 0


The rotation of the text, measured in degrees counterclockwise from the horizon.

Range: any real number

Default: 0.0


The size of the text.

Range: any real number

Default: 1.0


facet_fme_type: facet_database

Facet database features contain no coordinates. These features may contain any number of custom attributes. There are no special attributes with this type of feature.