
Evaluates one or more tests on a feature, and routes the feature according to the outcome of the test(s). The tests can consist of any FME-allowed operands.

Input Ports

Output Ports

Note that you can combine several tests into a single Tester transformer, and the features can be routed to Passed depending on the Pass Criteria below.

If you have several Tester transformers in sequence, consider using the TestFilter instead. This transformer allows you to create a series of tests with ‘named’ output ports for each result.



Attribute Test Condition Result
x=abcd X Contains abcd Passed
x=a, Y=big X In Y Failed
X=100 X < 200 Passed
X=4E5 X=400000

Passed, if Mode set to Automatic

Failed, if Mode set to String

Examples where Mode could be set to Automatic or Numeric:

@Area() < 100

@Value(numLanes) > 2

Example where Mode could be set to String:

"Joe" = "Jerry"

Editing Transformer Parameters

Using a set of menu options, transformer parameters can be assigned by referencing other elements in the workspace. More advanced functions, such as an advanced editor and an arithmetic editor, are also available in some transformers. To access a menu of these options, click beside the applicable parameter. For more information, see Transformer Parameter Menu Options.

Transformer Categories

Data Quality

Filters and Joins

Transformer History

This transformer replaced the AttributeTester and GenericTester transformers.

Technical History

Associated FME function or factory: TestFactory


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Tags Keywords: AttributeTester "comparison mode" GenericTester "pass criteria" "test clause"