Standard FME Date/Time Format

Date/Time Terminology

Temporal value/type:

Interval: A period of time between two temporal values. Example: Date + interval.

Date/Time Format

The standard FME format for date, time, and datetime values is:

Where Description Example
yyyy 4-digit year 2011
mm 2-digit month 07
dd 2-digit day of month 05
hh 2-digit hour of a 24-hour clock 14
mm 2-digit minutes 02
ss 2-digit seconds 59

Optional fraction of a second, up to 9 digits or nanosecond resolution. Additional fractional digits are accepted, but only 9 fractional digits are kept during temporal arithmetic. Trailing zeros in the fractional digits are automatically trimmed.

Only the "." character is recognized as the decimal separator, even on systems where it is not the default decimal separator.

UTC offset

Timezone offset with syntax [+|-]hh:mm (default), [+|-]hhmm, or [+|-]hh.

Note: It is a common mistake to misinterpret how UTC offsets are applied. For example, 8PM-08:00 (Pacific Standard Time) is equivalent to 11PM-05:00 (Eastern Standard Time). To get the UTC times, add the negated UTC offset to the unzoned times: 8PM+08:00 = 4AM the next day, and 11PM+05:00 = 4AM the next day. Therefore, @DateTimeDiff(200000-08:00,230000-05:00) = PT0S, meaning the two times are identical in terms of UTC time.





The FME interval format is based on the ISO 8601 duration format:

See Also