Understanding Feature Types and Attributes

Feature Type: the source dataset schema or structure.

Attributes: can reference either user attributes or format attributes.

About Feature Types

In FME, a Feature Type refers to the source dataset schema or structure.

Every format used by FME identifies features through a classification scheme. This classification is known in FME as a feature type. Feature types are used to differentiate between different types of features (for example roads, rivers, buildings, contours).

The feature type for any particular format is listed in the FME Readers and Writers manual under the "Format Quick Facts" section  (see FME Readers and Writers Reference under the Workbench help menu).

Some examples are:

A Feature Type is contained within a dataset.

When you create a workspace using a dataset, the Feature Types present in that dataset are shown on the left-hand side of the workspace canvas:

About User Attributes and Format Attributes

Workbench supports two types of attributes:

Format Attributes

A format attribute is a built-in, FME-generated attribute that relates to the structure or symbology of a feature for any given format. For example, a format attribute records a feature’s color.

You can use these attributes to carry out certain tasks by making the attributes part of the workspace.

Format attributes are most visible when viewing a dataset with the Inspector (FME Data Inspector). When querying a feature, not only will user attributes be shown, but so too will format attributes. In this case, the attributes reflect the nature of the data in its source form.

More Format Attribute Examples

The color of a feature is the simplest example of a format attribute. However, there are many more, all of which vary in their degree of complexity. Some examples of format attributes include the following.