Summary Report Writer

The Summary Report writer produces a summary report of features to a disk file. Features are sorted prior to being summarized.

The summary report is a human-readable text file which can be read by any text editor. This summary report can be used to compare and quickly find differences between sets of features.

The summary report includes fields such as

  • Feature Type
  • 3D Length
  • 2D Length
  • X Min, X Max
  • Y Min
  • Y Max
  • Z Min
  • Z Max
  • Number of Coordinates
  • Coordinate System
  • Attribute Values

The report title is written at the top of the file.

The Suppress Empty Report option controls whether an empty file is created when no features enter.

The Append to Existing Report option controls whether the new report overwrites or is appended to existing files.

The Write Report in UTF-8 option controls the encoding of the output text file. When set to Yes, the output text file is encoded in UTF-8. Otherwise, it is written in the current system encoding.