
SpatialWare also holds geometric features called paths.

A path is a compound spatial object containing one or more of the following: spatialware_line, spatialware_arc, spatialware_ellipse, or spatialware_curve. Paths that are contiguous will be stroked and output as a single line. If a path is not contiguous, all components of paths that are read from SpatialWare are output in separate features. Each feature that was a component of a path will have the following special attributes on them, assisting in aggregating or re-combining the Spatial in the mapping file if necessary.

Attribute Name



An integer ID given to all members of the same path. All members of different paths will have different IDs; all members within the same path will share this ID.


This integer ID specifies what place in the path order the feature occupied. This value will be zero for the first feature in a path.


The entire path’s centroid X location.


The entire path’s centroid Y location.


The entire path’s centroid Z location.


YES if the path is closed. NO if otherwise.