sef_type: sef_line

This is the line component. A sef_line has no other geometry attribute besides the list of points attached to the FME geometry of the aggregate.

If the sef_line component is intended to be an aggregate of more than one component (a complex string), the sef_element_type must be set to 12. The only allowable subtypes for a complex string are sef_arc, sef_curve, and sef_line with sef_element_type of 3 or 4. Furthermore, if we are dealing with a complex string with subtypes, the shared attributes should not be prefixed by the keyword component{<number>}. Please see SEF Feature Examples for a complete example.

The specific attributes for sef_arc are shown below:

Keyword Suffix





This tells the SEF writer which line type to store the feature as. An element type of 3 is a line with 2 points only. An element type of 4 is a line with 3 to 101 points. An element type of 12 is slightly more complicated. It can be a) a line with more than 101 points or b) an aggregate of any number of sef_arc, sef_crv or sef_line with sef_element_type of 3 or 4.

By setting this attribute, the user can force the sef_shape into a particular element. If this keyword is not set, or if the user tries to have a element type with more than the allowed number of points, the SEF writer will automatically detect the appropriate sef_element_type.


3 |

4 |


Required, if the element is intended to be an aggregate of subtypes. Otherwise, not required.