Regular Connection

The connection parameters needed for a regular connection are as follows:


Required/Optional: Required

This statement identifies the ArcSDE Geodatabase from which features are retrieved/written.

This dataset is referred to as the DATABASE. This is required no matter what the underlying RDBMS of the ArcSDE Geodatabase. Some RDBMSes, such as Oracle, do not require a value, whereas others, such SQLServer, do.

For databases that do not require the value, the value not_used is specified by convention.



Workbench Parameter: Source/Destination Esri ArcSDE Dataset


Required/Optional: Required

This statement identifies the SDE server used to read data from the dataset.


SDE30_SERVER tuvok

Workbench Parameter: Server


Required/Optional: Required

The instance to which the FME is to connect. The usual value for systems with a single SDE instance is esri_sde. The instance can also be of the form port:<port-number>.


SDE30_INSTANCE esri_sde

Workbench Parameter: Instance


Required/Optional: Optional if connecting in OSA mode

The user name required to access the SDE database.

If the userid and/or password are missing or not set, then the reader will try and connect with Operating System Authentication.


SDE30_USERID ronny

Workbench Parameter: User ID


Required/Optional: Optional if connecting in OSA mode

The password associated with the specified user ID.

If the userid and/or password are missing or not set, then the reader will try and connect with Operating System Authentication.


SDE30_Password ronpassword

Workbench Parameter: Password


Required/Optional: Optional

The SDE version to which FME connects. The version must already exist and the current user must have privileges set so that it can access the version. If the VERSION_NAME directive is not used, then the FME attempts to connect to SDE.DEFAULT. If there is no SDE schema, FME then attempts to connect to dbo.DEFAULT. If the name is not prefixed by the owner of the version, then it is assumed that the owner is the current user. This directive is only applicable when dealing with versioned tables. This directive is not available when reading/writing raster data, since versioning is not currently supported.



SDE30_VERSION_NAME ron.working-version

Workbench Parameter: Version