GTI Parameter File

This optional directive file called gtiparameters.txt allows several optional conversion parameters to be set.

If this file exists in the destination folder, it will be read and certain parameters will be looked for. The supported parameters are described below:





Value can be 1 (default) or 0. If set to 0, the conversion will not produce any .GTN spatial index files. These files must be generated manually if this entry is set. If this entry is set, the automatically generated overview category will not have a data bounding shape added.



Value can be 0 (default) or 1. If set to 1, the Writer will ignore all tabular information on features. If you are only concerned with graphical information or your data has numerous meaningless data attributes, you can eliminate all of them with one entry.



Marker is a prepended string to look for to identify text that will be underlined. FontId is the font to use when this marker is found. AutoCad data prepends underlined text with %%, so this entry can be used to automatically user font 2 (the default underlined font) for all text containing the marker and remove the marker from the text.




ExpandMultiLineText will default to 1 which will break all multi-line text into separate text elements for each line. You can override this default action by setting the entry to 0.




PreserveText will default to 0, and all \n characters in text strings will be converted to a carriage return linefeed character. If set to 1, the \n will be carried through as “\n”.



MultiLineDirection defines the direction the lines are laid out when using the ExpandMultiLineText=1 mode. If set to 1 (default), the first line’s lower left is the origin and the subsequent lines go down. If set to -1, the origin is the lower left of the last line (so the lines go up from the origin).




MultiLineSpacing defines the amount of space put between each line when the ExpandMultiLineText=1. The value is defined as a factor of the line size and the default is 1.4 (meaning 1.4 times the line height).




The MaxPoints value will default to the current GTViewer Maximum value for element points. This value is currently 12,000, but older versions of GTViewer have had lower maximum values. If you need to produce element for older versions of GTViewer, you can use this entry to set the MaxPoint per element value to a lower number.



In some cases, AutoCAD layer names will have the filename appended to which can generate an enormous number of individual styles in the GTViewer data. This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) and the layer names will have the fme_basename along with a preceding underscore removed from the layer name.



This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) to prevent any Symbol Elements from being written to the output. This option is useful when you need to remove the AutoCad insertion points from the output.



This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) to remove the “- <Default>” suffix that is automatically added to the GTViewer filter names when no gti_styleName is provided.



This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) to always generate a gti_key1 = 0 and gti_key2 = the next value in a sequence (starting at 1). All converted data will have a unique value and can be processed together (the gti_key1 does not change with the feature as it normally does).



This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) and all embedded data will be stripped from the output. This can save a significant amount of configuring since you would normally have to set the gti_embeddedDataType and gti_embeddedData for each output. EmbeddedData will only be present in GTViewer data used as the input.



This entry can be set to 1 (default is 0) to use any coordinates that are (0,0). The default is to ignore these points because of bugs in older versions of FME that improperly converted AutoCAD arc elements and (0,0) points were inserted in a feature.