GDMS Feature Types

The DEF lines specify many attributes for each GDMS record. All features derived from these records have all of these user-defined attributes. The only exceptions are the coordinate point and flag attributes. These attributes are used to construct the geometry of the feature and are not kept as attributes.

Refer to DEF for a listing of GDMS attributes.


gdms_type: gdms_line

GDMS line features represent linear features in 2D. Line features do not have any specific attributes.

gdms_type: gdms_text_line

GDMS line features represent linear features in 2D. Line features do not have any specific attributes.


gdms_type: gdms_point

GDMS point features represent point features in 2D. Point features do not have any specific attributes.

gdms_type: gdms_text_symbol

GDMS text symbols represent point features in 2D and have the following specific attributes:

  • gdms_angle
  • gdms_length
  • gdms_size
  • gdms_symbol_number
  • gdms_text_layer_number


gdms_type: gdms_polygon

GDMS polygon features represent polygon features in 2D. Polygon features do not have any specific attributes.

gdms_type: gdms_text_polygon

GDMS text polygon features represent polygon features in 2D. Polygon features do not have any specific attributes.


gdms_type: gdms_annotation

GDMS annotations represent point features in 2D and have the following specific attributes:

  • gdms_text
  • gdms_angle
  • gdms_height
  • gdms_text_layer_number