Writer Directives


Required/Optional: Required

The value for this directive is the path of the output folder where the data will be written. If there is more than one raster output, the path and file extension of the dataset directive will be used, but the name esriasciigrid_raster_filename attribute on each raster will be used for the base of the filename. The usual extensions for Esri ASCII Grid files are.grd and .asc. The Esri ASCII Grid writer distinguishes duplicate output files by appending numbers to the filenames.

Please see About FME Rasters for details.

Mapping File Syntax




Workbench Parameter

Destination  folder


The value for this directive is either Yes or No.

When the value is set to Yes and the input raster has a floating point interpretation (that is, Real32 or Real64), the first value in the raster will be written with a decimal in the string. For example, if the first value in the raster is 1, this will be written as “1.0”.

This may be necessary for some software packages to recognize the file as floating point.

