Info Files

Unlike the standard subfiles, whose names and formats are common to all E00 files, the info files' names and data structures vary from one coverage to another. Each info file starts with a header that defines its name and attributes on each record of the file.

The name of the info file is in the form <prefix>.<extension>, where <prefix> is arbitrary and <extension> defines the role of the records of the info file. Typically, all info files within a single E00 coverage have the same <prefix>. The <extension> is usually from a standard set, which includes the AAT (Arc Attribute Table), PAT (Point or Polygon Attribute Table), and BND (coverage bounding box). The E00 reader uses the extension to determine a role for the content of this info file.

Each record of the info file is interpreted by the E00 reader as an FME feature with no geometry. The <extension> of the info file's name is used to define the feature type and the value of the E00_FEAT_ROLE attribute of these features. The attributes defined on the record as specified in the info file's header are defined verbatim on the output feature.