User Fixed-Length Record

User Fixed-Length Records (UFLRs) provide a place for the user’s software to place any ASCII information for its own purpose. Each UFLR contains up to 2044 bytes of user-defined data. There are zero or more UFLRs immediately following each VDR or DSHR in the CCOGIF file. The ccogif_num_ufl_recs attribute of the VDR or DSHR feature tell us how many UFLR records to expect.

A single FME feature is used to represent a sequence of user fixed length records. The data from the entire sequence of UFLRs appears concatenated together in a single attribute on the single FME feature.

FME represents the sequence of UFLRs with a CCOGIF_METADATA feature with the following attributes:

Attribute Name




Record code, constant UFLR.



User-defined data, concatenated from an entire sequence of UFLR records.
