CAT Reader: User Attributes

For information on the parameters in this dialog that are specific to all formats, see About Reader Feature Types: User Attributes

Schema specifies the name, type, and width of the fields that comprise a row.

The name is any valid attribute name. The types can be any of the field types described in the table below. The width is a positive value that is the length of the field in characters.

Fields containing x, y, or z coordinates will comprise the point geometry of the feature, while fields with the type integer, real, or string will be attributes. The type ignore indicates the field will be skipped.

The ordering of the fields is important. The first field always starts at the first character in a row and is width characters wide. Subsequent fields start where the previous field ends.

Field Type Description
integer Integer fields store integer values.
real Real fields store single and double precision floating point values.
string String fields store fixed-length strings. When a character field is read, any padding blanks will be stripped from the string.
x-coordinate X-Coordinate fields store the x coordinate of the feature as a floating point value. It is interpreted in the same way as a real field.
y-coordinate Y-Coordinate fields store the y coordinate of the feature as a floating point value. It is interpreted in the same way as a real field.
z-coordinate Z-Coordinate fields store the z coordinate of the feature as a floating point value. It is interpreted in the same way as a real field.
ignore Fields marked as ignore are not stored and are not part of the feature.