You are here: FME Workbench > FME Administration Tasks > System Requirements

System Requirements

For a complete list of system requirements, including the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit FME, please visit our website.

Windows 32-bit (win32)

Windows 64-bit (win64):

All 64-bit Windows editions listed above also support 32-bit FME. Please visit for information on the differences between 32-bit FME and 64-bit FME.

For more information, please contact

For FME Premium Editions, FME Smallworld Edition:

UNIX (command line only):

Linux (Desktop Light [without Workbench]):

Note that FME 2012+ releases are not provided on the Linux Intel x86 platform.



System specifications will vary depending on your FME usage, including the size of your data files. However, at minimum, we recommend:

Note: To run FME on the Citrix Platform, a Floating License is required.