You are here: FME Workbench > Separating Output Data with Fanout > Setting Feature Type Fanout

Setting Feature Type Fanout

See About Fanout for more information on dataset fanout.

See Setting Dataset Fanout for more information on setting dataset fanout.

The fanout settings in the Feature Type Properties dialog allow you to use that specific feature type as a template for dynamically created feature types.

Feature type fanout means that many feature types will be created from one template feature type. How this actually appears as output depends entirely on the format.  For example:


  1. Click the Feature Type properties button on an destination feature type.
  2. Check Fanout By Attribute.
  3. Choose the Fanout Attribute from the drop-down menu. A new feature type will be created for each unique value of the fanout attribute, and all features with that value will be written to the resulting new feature type.
  4. Click OK to apply the properties to the feature type from which you initiated the properties dialog. Click Apply to... if you want to apply these properties to all feature types in your output dataset.

You can combine Feature Type and Dataset Fanouts.

For example, if you are working with a folder-based format and you perform a feature type fanout on attribute A and a dataset fanout on attribute B, then you'll end up with multiple folders of files, with the filenames dependent on the values of attribute A.