You are here: FME Readers and Writers > TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Reader/Writer

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The TIFF Reader/Writer module provides FME with access to data in the TIFF format.


TIFF uses the data reading and writing functionality of the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. The first element of the raster corresponds to the lower-left hand corner of the raster. For each raster, there is only a single feature returned, since this feature will contain the entire raster.

TIFF (Tag Information File Format) files can be raster files containing elevation data, or image files containing color data. Each elevation sample in a raster file is a point in a single FME raster feature, while each pixel color value in an image file is a value in a single FME raster feature.

The reader and writer support band types of Byte, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, and Float64. Classified (Paletted) images will return class dictionary (palette) information associated with the band.

The reader and writer produces non-georeferenced TIFF files, but the writer can generate an Esri world file with the extension .tfw.

The TIFF writer supports the following options: