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Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database Non-Spatial Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.


The Microsoft SQL Server Non-spatial reader and writer modules provide FME with access to attribute data held in live Microsoft SQL Server database tables. This data may not necessarily have a spatial component to it.

FME provides read and write access to live MS SQL Server databases via Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).

Workbench Reader Overview

Click the Reader Parameters button and establish a Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial database connection.

FME considers a database data set to be a collection of relational tables. The tables must be defined in the mapping file before they can be read. Arbitrary where clauses and joins are fully supported.

Workbench Writer Overview

Click the Writer Parameters button and establish a Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial database connection.

The Microsoft SQL Server writer module stores attribute records into a live relational database. The Microsoft SQL Server writer provides the following capabilities:

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