You are here: FME Readers and Writers > ASPRS LIDAR Data Exchange Format (LAS) Reader/Writer > Feature Representation

Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

Attribute Name


las_type This will always be las_point_cloud.
las_file_creation_date The date on which this file was created (LAS 1.1 and 1.2), or the date on which the data was collected (LAS 1.0).
las_file_source_id The file source ID. A value of zero is interpreted to mean that an ID has not been assigned.
las_generating_software Description of the generating software.
las_gps_time_type Specifies the meaning of GPS Time in the Point Records. Only present in LAS 1.2 or later. A value of 0 indicates that GPS time in the point record fields is GPS Week Time (the same as previous versions of LAS). A value of 1 indicates that GPS Time is standard GPS Time (satellite GPS Time) minus 1 x 109. The offset moves the time back to near zero to improve floating point resolution.
las_project_id A complete Globally Unique Identifier to serve as a project ID. By assigning a Project ID and using a File Source ID (defined above) every file within a project and every point within a file can be uniquely identified, globally.
las_synthetic_returns Specifies whether return numbers have been synthetically generated.
las_system_identifier A string identifying the hardware system or operation that generated the data.
las_version The version of the LAS file.
las_vertical_coordsys_code The GeoTIFF code identifying the vertical coordinate system.
las_vertical_datum_code The GeoTIFF code identifying the vertical datum.
las_vertical_units_code The GeoTIFF code identifying the units of the vertical coordinate system.