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JPEG 2000 (GeoJP2/GMLJP2) Reader/Writer

Licensing options for this format begin with FME Professional Edition.

The JPEG 2000 Reader/Writer provides FME with access to data in the JPEG 2000 format.


JPEG 2000 is a new image coding system that uses state-of-the-art compression techniques based on wavelet technology. JPEG 2000 was designed to overcome the limitations of the original JPEG standard and provide high-quality images at low bit-rates. In addition, JPEG 2000 includes new features and functionalities for client/server imaging applications and resource-constrained wireless devices.

JPEG 2000 has many advantages over JPEG, such as better image quality at the same file size, 25-35% smaller file sizes at comparable image quality, good image quality even at very high compression ratios (over 80:1), low complexity option for devices with limited resources, scalable image files, and progressive rendering and transmission through a layered image file structure.

Coordinate system and georeferencing transformations are read and written via GeoJP21GeoJP2™ is a trademark of Mapping Science, Inc. (GeoTIFF-in-JPEG2000) and GML-in-JPEG2000.

Format Parameters

The JPEG2000 writer supports the following option through the Feature Type Properties dialog (Format Parameters):

Compression Level

This option sets the desired compression level of the output image. This is expressed as a percentage of the original file size. For example, setting a compression level of 75 means that the output image will be approximately 75% smaller (one-quarter of the size) than an uncompressed image.

Note that this value only represents the targeted compression level, and this may not actually be achieved. JPEG supports both lossy and lossless compression. With lossy compression, the compressed image is an approximation of the original. With lossless compression, the compressed image is identical to the original.

To achieve lossless compression, set the compression level to 0 (best quality).

Repeatedly reading and saving files may decrease the quality for this format. In addition, Workbench may not know which format data comes from, and whether it used lossy compression. If you know that source data comes from files with lossy compression, you should also set the compression level to 0. Although this compression still does not guarantee the exact copy of the source file, the output will be very close to the original.