You are here: FME Readers and Writers > Bentley MicroStation Design Reader/Writer > Feature Representation > User Linkages – userId of 22234 and 39030 (Extended entity data linkage)

User linkages with a userId of 2570, 22244, 32000, 32001, or 39030 (Extended entity data linkage)

In V7 these linkages are supported like any other user linkages, but in V8 FME stores them as a blob and that gets carried over to V8 as a blob.

Note that in order to get Extended Entity Data linkages to carry over correctly, the original file containing these linkages should be picked as the seed file. The support for these linkages would work for V8 to V8 only. Any attempt to transfer them from V7 to V8 (or vice versa) will not work. In V8, they store linkage attributes as follows:

Linkage Parameter



The user -ID of the linkage. This value would be any of 2570, 22244, 32000, 32001, or 39030.

Default: No default


This stores the linkage as binary data.

Default: No default


Stores the size of the blob.

Range: 0..256

Default: No default


Flags for the user linkage.

Range: 0..256

Default: No default


Type of linkage.

Default: user