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Attribute Lists – dbase, odbc, oracle, ris, dmrs, informix linkages

If the linkage is of type dbase, odbc, oracle, ris, dmrs, or informix, then these attribute list item names are used to specify the values for the database linkage.

Linkage Parameter



The entity number of the linkage.

Range: 0..65535

Default: 1


The key value of the database linkage. This value corresponds to the value in a field in the attribute row associated with the element in the database.

Range: 32-bit integer for 8 word linkage formats (i.e., Oracle, ODBC) and 24-bit integer for 4 word linkage formats (i.e., DMRS)

Default: No default


This applies to the dmrs linkages and indicates whether or not the linkage is readonly. MGE systems also use this to differentiate between feature (which are readonly) and attribute (which are not) linkages.

Range: yes|no

Default: yes


The trailing flags of the database linkage. This can be used to set the "daskey".

(Not supported for Version 8 DGN files.)

Range: signed 32-bit integer

Default: 0


This is the actual value of the first word of the dmrs linkage. It is stored for dmrs linkages only.

Range: Unsigned 16-bit integer

Default: 0


This attribute is used internally by the V8 writer and is not intended for users.


This attribute is used internally by the V8 writer and is not intended for users.


This attribute is stored only if the reader detected that a certain linkage had an odd number of words, rather than an even number.


This attribute is the display attribute number that is assigned to a specific SQL statement in a display attribute table.

Range: Unsigned 32-bit integer

Default: None