You are here: FME Readers and Writers > CSV (Comma-Separated Value) Reader/Writer > Feature Representation

Feature Representation

In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.

The CSV feature attributes consists of the columns that were in the CSV table. All CSV features contain a csv_type attribute, which is always set to csv_none as there is no geometry to CSV features. This represents that the feature was generated from a CSV file.

Attribute Name



The CSV geometric type of this entity.

Range: csv_none

Default: csv_none


(Reader only)

Line number within the file, starting at 1.


(Reader only)

The number of non-empty field values obtained for the source row in the CSV file.


(Reader only)

The total number of columns, regardless of content, obtained from the source row in the CSV file.