[Name] RANGEMAP (Internal-Only: do not use in third-party components as it might not be maintained into the future) [Description] QFMEParameterRangeMap provides a user interface to enter value ranges and associate them to a string. The rangemap can be configured in the parameter's config line. Each configuration is a colon-separated key/value pair. The configurations are separated by the % character. The following configurations currently supported. Key: OutputType Value: Port or AttributeValue Description: Sets the type of what the range maps to. Example: OutputType:AttributeValue Key: DefaultRow Value: Yes or No Description: Hides the default row at the end of the table if set to No. The default row is shown by default. Example: DefaultRow:No Key: Multibands Value: Yes or No Description: Specifies whether the FROM and TO columns can accept a list of values such as R,G,B for color. Multibands is off by default. Example: Multibands:Yes In a Transformer (*.fmx) File Syntax PARAMETER_NAME: PARAMETER_TYPE: RANGEMAP [OutputType:Port|AttributeValue]%[DefaultRow:Yes|No]%[Multibands:Yes|No] PARAMETER_PROMPT: