Uploads data to a URL using an HTTP PUT or POST operation. The result of the upload will be stored in the specified target attribute.
If an error occurs while uploading the data, the translation will stop, unless the Continue on Error parameter is set to Yes.
This transformer may be used to simulate a web form submission, as from a browser:
. (These are the default values for these parameters.) name=John%20Doe&address=123%2CSomewhere%20Rd%2E
The TextEncoder transformer may be used to aid with the creation of the request body.
The body of the server response will be stored in the attribute identified by the Target Attribute parameter. The encoding of this attribute will depend on the value of the Use Encoding from HTTP Response Headers parameter.
The HTTP Response status code will be stored in the _http_status_code
attribute. In addition, the HTTP response headers will be saved in the list attribute specified by the List Attribute for Response Headers parameter.
The HTTP status code and HTTP response headers will be logged with each request.
For more information on HTTP Status Codes, please refer to http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html. For a list of common HTTP response headers, please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields.
If an error occurs while accessing the URL, the translation will continue, and the feature will be output via the <REJECTED> port.
Depending on the HTTP transformer, this parameter is either URL that will be accessed by the transformer, or the URL that identifies where data will be uploaded.
The upload method can be PUT or POST.
The difference between PUT and POST is described in http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html as:
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request – the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource.
This parameter specifies the body of the HTTP request sent to the server. Select the attribute that contains the data to be uploaded.
This parameter allows you to specify the value of the Content-Type header in the HTTP Request.
Note that this parameter takes precedence over the Content-Type provided in the HTTP Request Headers parameter, if one is provided.
This parameter can be used to provide custom headers for the HTTP Request. Each header should be entered as plain text, on a single line. For example:
User-Agent: FME/Workbench (http://www.safe.com)
Accept-Language: en-US
Expect: 100-continue
If this parameter is set to Yes, any saved cookies that correspond to the URL being accessed will be sent with the request. In addition, any cookies contained in the response will be saved for use with subsequent HTTP requests.
Saved cookies will persist for the duration of the translation – they cannot be used in subsequent translations.
Saving cookies is useful when a web service keeps a "session". Then the following sequence of operations might be used:
This parameter names the attribute in which the HTTP response body will be saved. The default attribute name is _url_contents
This parameter is used to indicate the character encoding of the target attribute. If an encoding name is selected, the target attribute will be tagged with that encoding. If “Auto Detect from HTTP Headers” is selected, the HTTP response headers will be examined for encoding information. If the headers contain an encoding, it will be used; otherwise the fme-binary encoding will be used. If no value is given for this parameter, the target attribute will be tagged with the system default encoding. When fetching binary data, the parameter should be set to “Binary”, or “Auto Detect from HTTP Headers”.
This parameter is optional. If it is set to a list attribute name, then HTTP headers returned by the server will be stored in the list attribute. The headers will be split into names and values. For example:
`_headers{0}.name' has value `X-XSS-Protection' `_headers{0}.value' has value `1; mode=block' `_headers{1}.name' has value `Date' `_headers{1}.value' has value `Wed, 25 May 2011 17:20:20 GMT' `_headers{2}.name' has value `Transfer-Encoding' `_headers{2}.value' has value `chunked' `_headers{3}.name' has value `Content-Type' `_headers{3}.value' has value `text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1' `_headers{4}.name' has value `Cache-Control' `_headers{4}.value' has value `private, max-age=0'
This parameter is optional. If it is set to an attribute name, then the HTTP response code returned by the server will be stored in the attribute.
This parameter is optional. If it is set to an attribute name, any error messages produced while processing a feature will be stored in the attribute.
The optional HTTP Authentication Username, HTTP Authentication Password and HTTP Authentication Method parameters may be set for accessing a password-protected HTTP server. Both Basic and Digest access authentication methods are supported.
Note that although the HTTP basic access authentication is a mechanism designed to allow a client to provide credentials to a server on the assumption that the connection between them is trusted and secure, be aware that any credentials passed from client to server can be easily intercepted through an insecure connection.
The optional Proxy URL, Proxy Port, Proxy Username, Proxy Password, and Proxy Authentication Method parameters may be set for organizations that require Internet access via an HTTP proxy server.
Basic, Digest, and NTLM access authentication methods are supported:
You can also use this transformer to upload data to an FTP server. When doing so, set the Upload Method parameter to PUT. If required, you can specify an FTP username and password in the HTTP Authentication Username and HTTP Authentication Password parameters. When uploading to an FTP server, neither the specified target attribute nor the _http_status_code
attribute will be populated.
About Transformer Parameter Options
FME Professional edition and above
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