Technical Reference for Formats Supported by FME 2013 SP1
FME Desktop lets you read and write data in more than 275 spatial and non-spatial formats, including CAD, GIS, raster, database, 3D, and BIM formats. With more than 400 different transformers and support for thousands of coordinate systems, FME Desktop gives you unlimited flexibility to manipulate the geometry and attributes of your spatial data.
About This Help File
This documentation contains detailed technical information on FME-supported formats, and is intended for a technical audience involved in configuring FME for customized translation.
Each format contains reference information that includes the following:
Format Overview: This section gives an overview of the Reader and/or Writer, and lists any dependencies or licensing limitations.
Quick Facts: This table contains high-level information on the format’s characteristics. For raster formats, it also includes raster-specific quick facts.
Reader/Writer Overview: This section contains any reader- and/or writer-specific information.
Reader/Writer Directives: Most reader and writer directives correspond to Workbench parameters in the Workbench Navigator pane. To access parameter help from the FME Desktop help window, click FME Reader and Writer Parameters.
Feature Representation: In addition to the generic FME feature attributes that FME Workbench adds to all features (see About Feature Attributes), this format adds the format-specific attributes described in this section.